Which roofs are suitable for installing photovoltaic power plants? Jun 26, 2024
What kind of roof is suitable for installing a photovoltaic power plant?

The conditions suitable for installing rooftop photovoltaic power plants are summarized as having abundant solar resources, simple structure, clear property rights, and low environmental pollution.

Roof type:

  • Concrete roof: one of the common roof types in residential, unit, and factory buildings. For concrete roofs, the counterweight method is generally used to install photovoltaic panels, that is, concrete counterweight blocks are used as the foundation to stabilize the photovoltaic panels without damaging the original structure of the roof.

  • Color steel tile roof: For color steel tile roof, the clamp method is mainly used to install photovoltaic panels.

  • Tile roofs: Mainly use hooks to install photovoltaic panels.

  • Sunroom: Due to its good lighting performance, the sunroom is also suitable for installing photovoltaic power generation systems.

Photovoltaic power stations installed on sloped roofs are more beautiful. Due to the large slope of the roof, rainwater is easy to drain, and the construction is simple and easy to maintain. There is no need to lay brackets, but they are laid according to the current slope angle of the roof during installation. Since there is no need to consider occlusion between components, the components can be completely covered.

Flat roofs require bracket installation. On a horizontal roof, photovoltaic arrays can be installed at optimal angles to obtain maximum power generation. The advantage of installing a photovoltaic power station on a flat roof is heat insulation and cooling, which can generally reduce the temperature by 5 to 7 degrees. It adopts the form of cement piers + photovoltaic brackets. The investment cost is not high and the economy is relatively good.

Before installing a rooftop photovoltaic power station, you first need to determine whether the house's carrying capacity meets the needs of installing the power station. For houses that have been built for a long time, a comprehensive inspection of the waterproofing of the house and whether the walls are damaged and other overall conditions is required. Household power stations can be installed in buildings with a short construction time, solid brick load-bearing walls with a wall thickness of more than 240mm, and no other problems. Buildings with wall thickness ≤180mm can install power stations according to customized bracket plans.

It is best for rooftop photovoltaic power stations to meet the requirements for south-facing installation of photovoltaic modules, and the surrounding trees and other buildings need to be taken into consideration so that the photovoltaic modules will not be blocked and there will be no environmental pollution.

If there is a large area of shielding around the roof, the orientation of the roof is unfavorable for the generation of photovoltaic modules, the installation area and usable area of the roof are insufficient, the load-bearing capacity of the roof is insufficient, etc., it is not suitable to build a rooftop photovoltaic power station.

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